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People who are active in the sports world shouldn't smoke because it damages your lungs. People who play sports need their lungs because breathing when you run is extremely important. It also makes you tired easily and makes you not want to do much of the activities you had wanted to do before you started smoking.

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13y ago
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15y ago

You can, but you can't do them at the same time. Smoking while playing looks weird. And also, you can't be caught smoking cig's ever while doing highschool sports, or else you will be kicked out. BTW, once you start smoking cigarettes you become a miserable disposable-income slave to vile multibillion-dollar cigarette industies. They feel good to smoke at first, but you eventually become desensitized to them, and you end gaining nothing but bad breath and lung cancer. Finally, smoking reduces your wind for running and you may find it is a good way to finally quit a habit that has no positives for your life. You will be a better player when you have clear lungs.

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15y ago

Probably like Skateboarding,bike riding,Basketball,skydiving,skining,and more ,i guess

>You could play any sport you can , if you smoke . Your performance will be cut way down due to not being able breath as well, or a lower oxygen intake just for starters.</P>

yeah sure you can...just be very careful. If you have trouble breathing and such take a break, because you don't want your lung system to collapse or worse.

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14y ago

Yes, but because smoke fills your lungs, you will have a harder time breathing, and will get exhausted more quickly. No professional sport players smoke.

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15y ago

Some do, but it is not recommended.

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