no just the eye
Eye infections, ear infections, and heart disease. Thanks for asking
No, because those are two different illnesses.
Yes they can be. It's the main cause for ear infections. For instance, if a child has an eye infection and they rub their eye, then stick that finger in their ear, they can spread the infection to their ear and vice versa.
Are they old fashioned utensils for dispensing prescription medicine for ear/eye/nose infections.
Babies are given eye drops at birth to prevent any infections that the baby may pick up from travelling down the birth canal, because a baby can pick up infections from vaginal secrections from the mother during birth because the birth canal and vagina are not very clean. If eye drops are not given (which in many poor countries they aren't) a baby can get eye infections and even go blind from the infections that he or she picks up during birth.
Eye to Ear was created in 1992.
Levofloxacin is an antibiotic that is used for bacterial infections, respiratory infection's, urinary tract infections. Levofloxacin is available in tablet form, injection, oral solution, as well as used in prescription eye and ear drops.
Eye to Ear II was created in 1997.
Eye to Ear III was created in 2003.
One is not necessarily more healthy than another, because it depends on the sea and it depends on the swimming pool. Ocean conditions vary tremendously depending on the weather, currents, and other variables. When evaluating the health of a swimming pool, you need to look at how well it's maintained. A sanitized swimming pool (usually with chlorine) that is balanced (meaning pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, etc.) is safe for swimming. If the pool hasn't been properly sanitized and balanced, swimmers are vulnerable to ear and eye infections and other problems caused by bacteria and other contaminants in the pool.
Shoulder injury is very common due to repetitive motion and overuse during long training sessions. Swimmers are also susceptible to ear infections (swimmer's ear) and eye problems because of chlorine.