It sounds like fun but dangerous. If you are a dare devil it would be an interesting challenge but if you send it into myth busters it would be fun to watch!
Absolutely not! It is not safe to walk on, make snow cones with, or skate on.
That is a great question. Because it is above ground you are going to be more likely to have a solid freeze on the water in the pool. Will it happen I don't know for sure, I do not have any experience with above ground pools in that part of the country? We are mid east coast. I will not say we have never had bad winters, but in 76' it never got above freezing for over 30 days. Now we had ice on lakes that was thick enough to ice skate on probably about 6" or more thick. I even ice skated on a salt water bay. Now that is cold! You are wise to put in the air pillow, that should help keep from cracking the wall. That should help protect you from cracking the wall of the pool. When you develop ice on the pool DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WALK OR ICE SKATE ON THE POOL! If you do it will crack the liner and you will be buying a new pool liner. The ice will be frozen to the frozen pool liner.
You're supposed to drain your pool for the winter so that a layer of ice doesn't form, expand, and crack the sides of the pool.
Just wait until the sun comes out and then let the sun melt the ice off.
if you are some place cold you might be able to skate at an outdoor rink but whens its warm you can skate on rinks that use synthetic ice.
Absolutely yes but please make sure the ice is thick enough and keep your skates away from the tile & coping stones. To make sure the ice is thick enough look at the colour. if it is nearly snow white you can skate or another way is to stand at the side of the pool and put one foot on it. :-) Also, you can get something as heavy as you (or very similar) and slide it on the ice. If it breaks, not good to skate on.
Ice skate or go to indoor pool
If you can get to it, remove the wire used to hold the cover on. Remove as much snow as you can, try to minimize the weight on your pool.
You would break the ice and drain the water. Then you can fix whatever needs to be fixed. Hope this helps!
Can you ice skate in antartica
It will be just above the 500 mark
You will need to look to your Home Insurance policy for coverage under the additional covered structures.