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It just relax your fine but not to swim

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Yes you can, chlorine can help clean some cuts and it should be fine.

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Q: Can you go swimming with toe blisters?
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Name something that grow on your feet?

Toe's, toe nails, bunion's, blisters.

Can gel toe pouches give you blisters on pointe?

I can't speak from experience, but my friend has them and they give her less blisters than she got before she had them. This might not be true for everyone though.

What toe does a toe ring go on?

A toe ring is typically worn on the second toe of either foot.

Fresh blisters in a swimming pool?

Blisters on your skin or on the pool finish??? If on pool finish: It means that the surface is delaminating - will eventually pop and reveal the subsurface. There are several different causes for this condition. Final result is that you will have to get the pool resurfaced.

Can you swim after the toenail has been removed?

That would be a good question for your doctor. If the swimming pool water is properly balanced, the water won't hurt your toe (assuming the Dr says it's ok to get the toe wet). The bigger question is, will you be introducing infection into healthy pool water. I would recommend staying out of the water until the toe is healed.

Are gel toe pads better than regular ones?

I have found that gel ones give me more blisters, but some people may find them good.

Do you use toe pads in pointe shoes?

Yes you can. Preventing bruised toenails is a way in which toe pads or spacers are for. Not all people prefer these though because it may be harder for them to balance on their toes. The pads only supports blisters and rubbing of pointe shoes.

Where can you go swimming on miniplanet facebook?

you can't go swimming!

What could happen if you have blisters on your tongue?

Go see a doctor.

Should you go swmming with foot blisters?

You really shouldn't. In a pool- the chlorine is deffintley no help at all.Especially in a public one the bacteria will just make the problem worse. Not so sure about the ocean. but the salt might burn in some cases. just try to tay away from that kind of activity until the blister goes down.

What is a hammer toe and how do I prevent this?

Hammer toe is a term used to discribe a person whos toe bends downward and the middle joint curls up. This eventually results in the toe getting stuck into a claw-like position. When a person's shoe rubs against a hammer toe they can develope corns, blisters, and calluses that may form on the toe itself or on the bottom of their foot. This can make walking very painful. If you wish to read more about hammer toe you can find some great information here

How do you get your toe to stick down?

Step 1. Go get some beets Step 2. grab your toe Step 3. bend your toe