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At no point during a skydive does the jumper feel weightless, unless they are jumping from a fixed object like a hot air balloon or a helicopter, where a feeling of weightlessness can happen for the first second or two. This is because air resistance provides a force to balance gravity throughout the entire skydive.

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Q: Can you achieve weightlessness while skydiving?
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Who was the astronaut who experience weightlessness while orbiting the earth?

Any astronaut would experience weightlessness while orbiting the Earth.Any astronaut would experience weightlessness while orbiting the Earth.Any astronaut would experience weightlessness while orbiting the Earth.Any astronaut would experience weightlessness while orbiting the Earth.

What can you do while skydiving?

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You certainly can.

Could you weightless without going into space?

You can achieve a part of weightlessness by countering some weight forces but you cannot achieve all dimensions of weightlessness in any place visited by humans. To achieve the equivalent of space is possible in near space experiences or with special facilities but anti-gravity is not commonly developed or known yet. A pool is the most common experience of near weightlessness enjoyed worldwide.

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At what speeds does one achieve zero g forces?

Zero g forces give the feeling of weightlessness. It is not a certain speed that gives the feeling of weightlessness, but the change in the amount of gravity.

Why can you be weightless?

You can be weightless when experiencing free fall, such as in an elevator dropping or skydiving, because you are in a state of apparent weightlessness due to the force of gravity acting equally on you and the objects around you, causing you to float. This sensation occurs when the acceleration from gravity counteracts the force of gravity pulling you downwards, creating a feeling of weightlessness.

What does weightlessness?

Weightlessness is the effect that astronauts enjoy in space.

Can you die if you hit deep snow while skydiving and a parachute doesn't open?


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If first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

Do people have heart attacks while skydiving?

The risk of a heart attack during a skydiving is the same as it would be during any other high adrenaline experience. If considering skydiving with a heart condition that could lead to a heart attack, consult your doctor to make sure you are physically fit for skydiving and inform the instructors at the drop zone you are going to.

How could you use the word weightlessness in a sentence?

you are so weightlessness