Hi camels don't swim at all. regards jimmyjouma
Not all camel can swim.
camels can swim, yes!
Only some camels can swim.
Hi camels don't swim at all. regards jimmyjoumaNot all camel can swim.
Camels are a type of animal that cannot swim and are commonly found in the desert.
Umm...I'm pretty sure that there never were any camels in the United States. They evolved after Pangaea (when all the continents were still stuck together) and they don't swim, so there is no possible way for them to get in the US by themselves.
Because camels are camels
a camels foot it called a camels foot not a hooves prehistoric camels may have had hooves but present day camels do not so a camels foot is called a camels foot
if you see that it have camels it have camels and if you don't see one it don't have camels...........................maybe..............
A row of camels... :)
The usual answer is that camels cannot swim, but they can. There is a question whether some apes, such as gorillas, may be too top heavy to swim, but this is not proven either way. In any event, their bodies are not that much denser than humans in water. The armadillo is another mammal where at least one species *can* float and swim, but some other species may be unable to.
No, there are no camels in Mumbai. Camels are found in desert regions such as Rajasthan.
Camels are NOT threatened. They are not even close. So, the answer is NO. Camels ARE NOTthreatened.