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Q: Can a diver do a somersault without having any initial rotation when she leaves the board?
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If something is automated, it means it is a task that is done without one having to do much to get the task done. An example would be, preauthorized payments from your bank account. If it is automated, then a payment would come from your bank every month without you having to do anything other than the initial set up.

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Everything that happens in and around the world are examples of transfer of energy.Nothing in the world happens without transfer of energy as an example water stored in a dam it actually possess potential energy then-it is having kinetic energy for the turbine rotation.

What is a reversible ratchet?

A reversible ratchet is a tool used for tightening or loosening nuts and bolts. It has a mechanism that allows it to rotate in both directions without having to lift and reposition the tool. This makes it efficient for tasks where continuous rotation in a confined space is required.

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" without having to change anything " NO !

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Self initiative is about doing things without having to be told or about learning a new task without having to be prompted or directed to do so. And working without having command from anyone.

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Can a person can a person carry hiv for eight to ten years without signs of illness?

Yes, it is possible. In fact, people do walk around infected, never having been tested, and never having experienced any significant symptoms of illness, before the body starts to break down. This can take years after initial infection with HIV.