

Are your friends good at swimming?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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10y ago

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Yes, my friends are. However, you may have different friends.

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Q: Are your friends good at swimming?
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you can make more friends or go swimming at a near public pool or go to the library and get a few good books

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In some places swimming is a requirement for graduation. It is very healthy for your body and mind. On hot days, you can swim in cold water with friends and family and have a fun relaxing day.

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Hugh is a boy from England who is good at swimming and soccer and he has some friends called ian, luke, Andrew and Dylan and charlie. that is all. search me up anywhere!

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swimming rocks James mercer 8-2

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swimming is important because if you don't learn how, you will drown!!!!!!! swimming is a good sport because you use all of your muscles and its a really good workout

How can a person get a good in ground swimming pools?

One can get good inground swimming pool by acquiring good inground swimming pool kits. These kits are available online and simple internet search can give you contact details of manufacturer and supplier of good inground swimming pool kits.