

Anyone want to go for a swim?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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12y ago

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Around one in five people openly admit to relieving themselves in the swimming pool.

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Q: Anyone want to go for a swim?
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Can anyone be taught to swim?

yes, anyone can be taught to swim, even if they can't.

What do you do when you want to go swimming?

Make it rain and swim in the puddle. Lol

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Translation: ¿Quieres ir a nadar?

Where can people swim?

Well, you could basically swim anywhere you long as you have enough space and water to swim. You could swim whenever you want. If you have a little free time, you could go swimming! You could do competitive swimming, or you could just swim for fun.

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freeze the water and go ice skating. ask anyone at the pool when the lifeguard will be on duty. dont swim. swim with caution.

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ask your parent if you can go to the movies or some where with your friend and he will do the same then met up and don't tell anyone

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i`m a fifth grader and you are smarter than me turtles can go as far as they want.

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We are like Goldfish, we swim around the bowl and notice a castle, we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle, we swim around again and we go OH! a castle. Catch my Drift?

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Why should kids learn to swim?

Swimming is a healthy non-impact activity for anyone and it should be learned at an early age. Considering that 75% of our world is covered by water and much traveling is done over water, knowing to swim can be a life saving.

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No, now go die.