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ans. 340 00lb, 10 000 lb, 31 000lb

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Q: A swimming tank 50ft long and ft wide has a sloping floor so that the water is 4.0ft deep at one end and 7.0 ft at the other Find the total force due to the water on the bottom and that on each end?
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Why when you dive for a coin at the bottom of a swimming pool the coin isn't exactly where it appeared to be?

because it makes the force make bigger and does notmove

What is a simple machine with a sloping surface force?

It sounds like an inclined plane

What simple machine is a sloping surface?

A sloping surface is a simple machine called an inclined plane. It is used to reduce the amount of force needed to lift an object by lengthening the distance over which the force is applied.

What type of simple machine is a gently sloping driveway on a hill?

A gently sloping driveway on a hill can be considered a type of inclined plane, a simple machine that reduces the amount of force needed to move objects up or down. The sloping surface of the driveway allows vehicles to easily overcome the force of gravity.

How much force does a floor exert on you?

The force a floor exerts on you is equal and opposite to your weight. This force is known as the normal force, which supports your weight and prevents you from falling through the floor. The magnitude of this force depends on your mass and the acceleration due to gravity.

Inclined plane with one or two sloping sides?

An inclined plane with one sloping side is called a ramp, which is used to help move objects from a lower to a higher level with less force. An inclined plane with two sloping sides is called a wedge, which is used to separate or lift objects by applying a force to split them apart.

What is an inclined plane with two or more sloping slides that changes the direction of the applied force?


Are you stand on floor does the floor exert an upward force against your feet how much force does it exert why are you not moved upward by this force?

Yes, when standing on a floor, the floor exerts an upward force on your feet equal to the force of gravity acting on your body. This force prevents you from sinking through the floor or falling. You are not moved upward by this force because your body weight is equal and opposite to the force exerted by the floor, resulting in equilibrium.

When you standing on the floor does the floor exert an upward force against your feet How much force does it exert?

Yes, when you stand on the floor, it exerts an upward force against your feet known as the normal force. This force is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the force you apply downward on the floor due to gravity.

To stop the table in your class falling through the floor what must the floor do against the force of gravity pulling the table down?

The floor must provide an equal and opposite force to counteract the force of gravity pulling the table down. This support force from the floor prevents the table from falling through it.

An inclined plane with one or two sloping sides?

An inclined plane with one sloping side is called a ramp, used to move objects up or down with less force. An inclined plane with two sloping sides is called a wedge, used for splitting objects or holding them in place.

A 200N woman sits on a floor what force does the floor exert on her?

The floor exerts an upward force of 200N on the woman, which is equal in magnitude to her weight to keep her stationary. This force is known as the normal force, which acts in the opposite direction to the force of gravity.