it drops there because when you throw a slow ball it will dorp there too.also when you throw a curve,you put top spin on it and a curve is slow too and if you want to hit it you are goin to have to watch it all the way and then hit.
Fast ball, curve ball, drop ball, screw ball, rise ball, change up, curve drop, off speed curve.
Fastball, curve ball, drop ball, rise ball, screw ball, knuckle ball, change up
"Choke" the ball (wedge it down between your thumb and forefinger), and tilt your wrist to the left; the ball snaps down and to the right on release. The resulting pitch should drop and curve to the left. Experiment with different speeds and spins. The best method of a curve ball is to learn to throw it curved upward. Instant strike every time, guaranteed.
Yellow Hammer is a term for a curve ball that not only breaks but has a big drop to it. Another term for Yellow Hammer is a '12 to 6' curve ball. Other terms for a curve ball are 'yakker' and 'Uncle Charlie'.
For pitching, the spin can cause the ball to either rise, drop, curve, or do a combination of those things.
it is a pitch in fastpitch softball that's starts knee to thigh high and drops through the strike zone while crossing the plate preferably into the dirt right in front of the catcher.
The rotation of a thrown baseball, or any other ball, compounded by the stitching on a ball, creates lift/drag as it moves through the air, accomplishing each type of pitch- fastball, curve ball, change-up, etc. As an aside, the "knuckleball" is thrown with as little rotation as possible, which causes the more erratic movement as it passes through the air towards home plate.
First, you drop the ball first to the right of the biggest ball.Then, cut the left chain of the red ball and drop it into the launcher on the right and cut the chain launcher for that one.The ball should go flying upward and bounce of the biggest ball. Drop the biggest ball when it is swinging to the left. This will make it fall into the crevice above the green ball. Then, drop the green ball into the left launcher.It will fly upwards, bounce off the biggest ball, and fly into its green cup. Now there should only be the red ball and a gray ball on a chain. Drop that ball. It will fall onto the red ball, and the red ball will roll into its red cup. By the way, do'nt worry about Inca level 8. That is 2 E-Z! Happy Civiballing! :D
Drop the big silver ball up by the red first. Then you wait for the wedge to stop wiggling. Then drop the wedge. Then let the swinging green ball fall towards the yellow. If you get lucky the green balls will both go it the vase. If they don't, drop the yellow ball, and then the other big silver one. Finally, drop the last silver ball.
RISE BALL, CURVE BALL, DROP BALL Add Fastball, change-up and screw ball. It comes down to some other esoteric and idiosyncratic definitions and much like men's baseball there are some very fine definition points and creative labels given to pitches by players and coaches and also inconsistency in naming. In most fastpitch softball what would be called a curve in baseball is a drop ball (perceived vertical movement), and what baseballers would call a slider is a curve (perceived horizontal movement). Missed above are screw-ball, change-up, and straight on fast ball. Essentially a ball can be delivered with different rotations and speed and that will impact the horizontal and vertical movement potential and everything else is a matter of physics. Curves, Screw, drop and rise balls appear to do what they do not because of some laws of physics that accomplished pitchers know how to break but because of the shifting perspective of those watching the ball and experience based predictions. A hitter who understands and identifies ball rotation and speed and can act on that instinctively will be a star.
When you drop a ball, the action force on the ball is the force of gravity pulling the ball towards the ground.
What channel can you watch the ball drop on on version