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1000 ft

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Q: What is the record for the furtherest boomerang throw?
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How do you throw a boomerang using a woomera?

have the woomera in one hand and the boomerang in the other and throw

Would you eat wear or throw a 'boomerang'?

Throw it.

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How maths is related with boomerang?

i guess it is the angle you hold the boomerang and when you throw it.

Things you throw away?


How do you get the trapped target in young link's target test?

in melee, if you throw your boomerang, it will come back to you. So if you throw a boomerang and then move so that the path the boomerang will take back to you is going through the encased target, then the target will be hit. so you 1. throw boomerang 2.move underplatform 3.the target is hit

What is the name of the stick that comes back when you throw it?

It is a boomerang

How do you throw the rang on a blob's tale?

To throw the boomerang on the game "A Blobs Tale" all you need to do is aim the boomerang and click. This can be done with your mouse while playing the game.

Can you throw a banana like a boomerang?

yes if u throw it correctly at the right angle

How do you throw a boomerang?

The way or technique to throw the boomerang is to first hold the the end in the horizontal position. Next, make sure you throw it at a 45 degree angle (with the 0 angle being "up" and the 90 degree angle being sideways). When trowing the boomerang angle it slightly up, its easier to make a boomerang come back if you throw it to the sky. Finally, make sure you are throwing into the wind, otherwise it will fly far away. Be careful when throwing it, even a conventional wooden boomerang can hurt someone BADLY.

How does the boomerang return?

It returns because the shape of it and if you throw it corretly and it will return

What is Hang Time with a boomerang?

it all depends on how far and how hard you throw it