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If locked in properly the figure four leg lock or the single legged Boston crab

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Q: What is the most painful wrestling move?
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What is a right hand reverse lock?

A painful hold in wrestling.

Is WWE wrestling real?

Most of the time it is not real and only for entertainment purposes, some of the wrestling matches are real though. Sorry but no wrestling is not fake it is scripted which is two different things. The wrestling moves are very real and very painful have you even been in the ring didn't think so. I have.

How do you do a wrestling move without hurting someone?

The best way to learn how to do wrestling moves safely is to go to a wrestling school.

You hit your head wrestling and now you have a large painful fleshy lump on your forehead what is it?

a goose egg

What is the most popular WWE wrestling move?

I'm guessing Jeff Hardy's "Swanton Bomb" It builds A LOT of hype.

What is the most painful and hurting part in a relationship?

The most painful part is breaking up or breaking someone hart ! or remembering like a past boyfriend :) xx

What does the wrestling move ddt stand fot?

ddt in wrestling stands for direct diving takedown

Is a heel drop a wreslting move?

yes a heel drop is a wrestling move.

Most popular wrestling company?

ANSWER most popular Wrestling company is WWE

Where is wrestling most popular?

it is most popular in minehead in butlins wrestling areana

Which wrestling school in Philadelphia is most respected?

Chikara wrestling academy is the most respected wrestling school in the USA

Is TNA wrestling might move to WWE?

no it will never