After nearly 20 years and millions of quarters, someone has attained the unthinkable: a perfect score on Pac-Man. The world record was set by 33-year-old Billy Mitchell of Hollywood, Florida, during a US-Canada clash over the Fourth of July weekend. Mitchell took more than six hours to complete the game at the Funspot Family Fun Center in Weirs Beach, New Hampshire.
To achieve the game's maximum score of 3,333,360 points, Mitchell navigated 256 boards (or screens), eating every single dot, blinking energizer blob, flashing blue ghost, and point-loaded fruit, without losing a single life. In May, one of the Canadians, Rick Fothergill, came within 90 points of the perfect score while playing at the Funspot arcade, described as the world's second-largest arcade, with about 500 games. The foursome set a Fourth of July weekend rendezvous for their head-to-head competition.
Mitchell said he came very close to setting the record on the first day of the holiday weekend -- 1 July which, coincidentally, is Canada Day -- but a kid pulled the plug about four hours into the game.
Nitendo has confirmed the highest Recorded score in pacman is 3,212,000 was recorded on a almost perfect game.
3,333,360this is by getting every dot, eating every fruit, and getting all four ghosts with every power pellet for the first 255 levels (after that, the game becomes unplayable).While this might be the highest score, the bestscore is arguably a zero! This guy managed to get a perfect zero score in Pacman by dying three times without eating any pellets: The trick is to move left and right at a rapid speed.
Ching wang lang...his score is 9999999999999999999
what is the highest score on bookworm
My score is 2389. Is there a higher score?
The highest score was 0.
The highest score on just run is 1,183
The highest score of the computer game Jetman was 20717. The highest score is always changing, which can be found on the game itself when you play.
The highest Flappy Bird high score is 412.
The highest score is 46,678 by Crumb961
The Highest score you can get is 30, 10 from each judge.
Connor Smith has the highest score in bop it bounce with 2,511!