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the object of a casket match is to lock your opponenet in a casket or coffin whereas in a buried alive match the object is to bury your opponent alive

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Q: What is the difference between a casket match and a buried alive match?
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When was Harry Houdini buried alive?

It is actually unknown if Houdini ever actually performed his Buried Alive stunt onstage. It was meant to be his feature escape of 1927, but he died on October 31, 1926. He was buried in the same casket that he would have used for that trick however, so he was buried in his trick casket, he was just never buried ALIVE in it.

Is there a casket match in WWE raw 2002?

I believe the first appearance by a casket in a WWE game is in SmackDown vs Raw 2006 in the form of Buried Alive match, so the answer is no.

How do you win a buried alive match on WWE smackdown vs raw 08 on ps2?

you take your opponent all the way to the top of the ramp where the casket is. when you get there Irish whip him toward the casket. when he is on the casket move the right analog stick and when you start forcing him into the casket push all the buttons until you get him in the casket

Which wrestlers have been in a buried alive match?

undertaker and yokozuna sorry but yokozuna hasn't been in a Buried Alive Match but has had two casket matches with The Undertaker The first Buried Alive Match was at IYH: Buried Alive on October 20, 1996, between Undertaker & Mankind, Which Mankind eventually won with the help of Some other Superstars The second Buried Alive Match was at Rock Bottom on December 13, 1998 was between the Undertaker and Stone Cold , Stone had help from Kane to win The third Buried Alive Match was on the September 9, 1999 edition of Smackdown! It was for the WWF Tag Team Titles as the Rock'N'Sock connection defended the titles against Undertaker & Big Show which undertaker & Big Show won The fourth Buried Alive Match was at Survivor Series 2003....11/16/03....between Undertaker & Vince McMahon.Vince ended up winning with Kanes help.

How did people get buried alive?

they get buried alive by ding alive and getting buried in the pyramids

Where to read Jacqueline Wilson 'buried alive'?

between the covers

Hou can i win a burning alive match in smackdown vs raw 2008?

1ST U Mean buried alive match. 2ND U Irish whip them into the casket. 3RD when u have them up against the casket you press the right stick up. 4TH u do the little thing where u struggle to get them in. 5TH when u get them in ur superstar automaticly closes the casket 6TH the bulld ozer comes over and puts dirt on the casket and u win. (when ur struggling if they break out of the struggle follow the steps again)

When was Buried Myself Alive created?

Buried Myself Alive was created in 2002.

When was Buried Alive By Love created?

Buried Alive By Love was created in 2003.

How many people are buried alive every day?

Today no one is buried alive, but a 150 years ago that wasn't so true. I don't know exact numbers, but I do know it was a real fear people had. There were caskets sold with bells attached so if they were buried they could ring a bell above ground. Edgar Allen Poe was so afraid of this he had a special casket made and left instructions with people about what to do.

How do you get out if buried alive?

It depends. Some people like Jessica Lunsford (Google her) was buried alive inside a garbage bag so she couldn't get out. My advice- PRAY!! If somethings going to happen to you, its going to happen. Just stay safe and you will be fine. -Brooklyn

How does the undertaker get buried alive?

he was buried alive during a pay per view but it was not real