I think those are Mike Vallely,Jango Fett,a zombie named Eddie, and Daisy.
Some characters are impermanently given their features and are not able to be edited. List of characters- Chad Muska - Daisy - Eddie - jango Fett
He's the best skater in the world.
go to park editor then look
You can't untill thps4
create skater put on panda suit save skater and then go to classic mode
that is my best game
There isn't a Zoo level that's in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
There are girl characters available on tony hawks proving ground ds. Mel is a girl character who is your friend in career class. She is an aspiring photographer.
I've seen cheats for this before, but when I tried them they didn't work.
kind of you have to make a new skater, then once you have the full capacity of all the skaters you can have, then they can be deleted.