here is another code: GI-user ,19 ,wiiicked easy. ,ashleigh ,rt ,rt ,1 ,0 ,0 ,pa ,pa ,0 ,0 ,61.1 ,61.1 ,115 ,473 ,ca ,ca ,3 ,0 ,100 ,100 ,200 ,100 ?;SI-s0 ,sh ,0 ,0 ,-30 ,-10 ?;CI-car2 ,ca ,6 ,0 ,245 ,265 ?;TI-?;MI-movObj6 ,mo ,1 ,-45 ,376 ,104 ,movObj6 ,mo ,2 ,-125 ,338 ,161 ,movObj4 ,mo ,3 ,0 ,106 ,281 ,movObj1 ,mo ,4 ,0 ,291 ,82 ,movObj5 ,mo ,5 ,0 ,263 ,456 ?;NI-nc0 ,no ,0 ,0 ,268 ,194 ,nc0 ,no ,1 ,0 ,262 ,334 ,nc3 ,no ,2 ,75 ,235 ,453 ?;MA-mi ,0 ,0 ?;PI-pa ,1 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ?;
Remember its all one code ^
For Parking Lot 2
GI-user ,1200 ,resreved ,Kristen ,rt ,rt ,1 ,0 ,0 ,pa ,pa ,0 ,50 ,61.1 ,61.1 ,95 ,1023 ,ca ,ca ,3 ,0 ,100 ,100 ,200 ,100 ?;SI-s0 ,sh ,0 ,0 ,-30 ,-10 ,s1 ,sh ,9 ,0 ,336 ,655 ,s2 ,sh ,18 ,0 ,80 ,508 ,und ,sh ,und ,und ,und ,und ?;CI-car4 ,ca ,23 ,0 ,76 ,883 ,car1 ,ca ,25 ,0 ,81 ,32 ,car1 ,ca ,26 ,0 ,79 ,142 ,car2 ,ca ,27 ,0 ,54 ,81 ?;TI-t2 ,tr ,3 ,0 ,51 ,970 ,t2 ,tr ,4 ,0 ,152 ,1071 ,und ,tr ,und ,und ,und ,und ,t0 ,tr ,5 ,0 ,54 ,1080 ,t4 ,tr ,8 ,0 ,107 ,634 ,t3 ,tr ,21 ,0 ,102 ,228 ?;MI-und ,mo ,und ,und ,und ,und ,und ,mo ,und ,und ,und ,und ,movObj5 ,mo ,6 ,-90 ,98 ,783 ,movObj1 ,mo ,7 ,0 ,375 ,892 ,und ,mo ,und ,und ,und ,und ,movObj4 ,mo ,11 ,0 ,379 ,655 ,movObj4 ,mo ,12 ,0 ,297 ,656 ,movObj4 ,mo ,13 ,0 ,318 ,692 ,movObj4 ,mo ,14 ,0 ,318 ,617 ,movObj4 ,mo ,15 ,0 ,355 ,690 ,movObj4 ,mo ,16 ,0 ,363 ,621 ,movObj4 ,mo ,17 ,0 ,337 ,655 ,movObj1 ,mo ,19 ,0 ,301 ,528 ,movObj5 ,mo ,20 ,0 ,320 ,431 ,movObj5 ,mo ,22 ,45 ,271 ,1045 ,movObj5 ,mo ,24 ,0 ,16 ,366 ,und ,mo ,und ,und ,und ,und ,und ,mo ,und ,und ,und ,und ,movObj2 ,mo ,30 ,0 ,267 ,416 ,movObj2 ,mo ,31 ,0 ,266 ,436 ,movObj2 ,mo ,32 ,0 ,371 ,337 ,movObj2 ,mo ,33 ,0 ,266 ,392 ,movObj2 ,mo ,34 ,0 ,266 ,436 ,movObj2 ,mo ,35 ,0 ,272 ,459 ,movObj2 ,mo ,36 ,0 ,271 ,480 ,movObj2 ,mo ,37 ,0 ,276 ,367 ,movObj2 ,mo ,38 ,0 ,291 ,349 ,movObj2 ,mo ,39 ,0 ,310 ,339 ,movObj2 ,mo ,40 ,0 ,329 ,337 ,movObj2 ,mo ,41 ,0 ,351 ,337 ,movObj2 ,mo ,42 ,0 ,412 ,338 ,movObj2 ,mo ,43 ,0 ,371 ,337 ,movObj2 ,mo ,44 ,0 ,390 ,337 ,movObj2 ,mo ,45 ,0 ,275 ,498 ,movObj2 ,mo ,46 ,0 ,272 ,520 ?;NI-nc5 ,no ,0 ,50 ,146 ,974 ,nc6 ,no ,1 ,0 ,179 ,555 ,und ,no ,und ,und ,und ,und ,nc6 ,no ,3 ,0 ,248 ,553 ?;MA-mi ,0 ,0 ?;PI-pa ,1 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ?;
another one is
GI-user ,50 ,Dani's park ,Danielle<3 ,rt ,rt ,1 ,0 ,0 ,pa ,pa ,0 ,0 ,61.1 ,61.1 ,230 ,200 ,ca ,ca ,3 ,85 ,100 ,100 ,123 ,516 ?;SI-s0 ,sh ,0 ,0 ,-30 ,-10 ,s1 ,sh ,2 ,0 ,276 ,410 ?;CI-car2 ,ca ,1 ,0 ,203 ,276 ,car3 ,ca ,4 ,0 ,245 ,115 ,car2 ,ca ,5 ,0 ,206 ,30 ?;TI-t0 ,tr ,7 ,0 ,64 ,88 ,t2 ,tr ,8 ,0 ,361 ,63 ,t2 ,tr ,9 ,0 ,366 ,186 ,t0 ,tr ,10 ,0 ,69 ,183 ,t0 ,tr ,11 ,0 ,70 ,282 ?;MI-movObj1 ,mo ,3 ,0 ,66 ,366 ,movObj6 ,mo ,6 ,0 ,141 ,18 ?;NI-nc3 ,no ,0 ,-55 ,125 ,404 ,nc3 ,no ,1 ,-120 ,131 ,241 ?;MA-mi ,0 ,0 ?;PI-pa ,1 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ?;
Here's One of my codes, it's my first level :D
GI-user ,90 ,Tela ,BlahBlahBlah ,rt ,rt ,1 ,0 ,-550 ,pa ,pa ,0 ,0 ,61.1 ,61.1 ,92 ,505 ,ca ,ca ,3 ,-90 ,100 ,100 ,243 ,-465 ?;SI-s0 ,sh ,0 ,0 ,-30 ,-10 ,und ,sh ,und ,und ,und ,und ,und ,sh ,und ,und ,und ,und ,und ,sh ,und ,und ,und ,und ,und ,sh ,und ,und ,und ,und ,und ,sh ,und ,und ,und ,und ,s8 ,sh ,16 ,0 ,312 ,77 ,s8 ,sh ,17 ,0 ,172 ,76 ,s8 ,sh ,18 ,0 ,172 ,233 ,s8 ,sh ,19 ,0 ,312 ,234 ,s8 ,sh ,20 ,0 ,179 ,625 ,s8 ,sh ,21 ,0 ,113 ,628 ,s8 ,sh ,22 ,0 ,342 ,628 ,s8 ,sh ,23 ,0 ,112 ,785 ,s8 ,sh ,24 ,0 ,179 ,782 ,s8 ,sh ,25 ,0 ,342 ,785 ,s8 ,sh ,26 ,0 ,342 ,941 ,s2 ,sh ,27 ,-90 ,343 ,1057 ,s8 ,sh ,28 ,0 ,111 ,942 ,s8 ,sh ,29 ,0 ,178 ,940 ?;CI-car2 ,ca ,8 ,0 ,141 ,382 ,car1 ,ca ,9 ,0 ,172 ,444 ?;TI-?;MI-movObj1 ,mo ,6 ,0 ,189 ,332 ,movObj1 ,mo ,7 ,0 ,287 ,338 ,movObj5 ,mo ,10 ,0 ,88 ,492 ,movObj5 ,mo ,11 ,0 ,90 ,404 ,movObj5 ,mo ,12 ,0 ,90 ,317 ,movObj4 ,mo ,13 ,0 ,90 ,180 ,movObj3 ,mo ,14 ,0 ,84 ,181 ,movObj6 ,mo ,15 ,0 ,83 ,67 ?;NI-nc5 ,no ,0 ,0 ,151 ,1062 ,nc5 ,no ,1 ,-5 ,25 ,867 ,nc5 ,no ,2 ,90 ,110 ,1010 ,nc6 ,no ,3 ,0 ,124 ,422 ,nc6 ,no ,4 ,0 ,124 ,517 ,nc0 ,no ,5 ,0 ,247 ,635 ,nc0 ,no ,6 ,0 ,247 ,788 ,nc1 ,no ,7 ,0 ,208 ,1014 ,nc0 ,no ,8 ,0 ,246 ,922 ,nc6 ,no ,9 ,0 ,228 ,424 ,nc6 ,no ,10 ,0 ,228 ,493 ,nc5 ,no ,11 ,0 ,230 ,399 ,nc5 ,no ,12 ,0 ,230 ,501 ,nc4 ,no ,13 ,0 ,256 ,1047 ?;MA-mi ,1 ,0 ?;PI-pa ,1 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,0 ?;easy
Read more: What_is_some_level_codes_for_parking_lot_2
The cast of Ballet Parking - 1985 includes: Richard Anselmo
ballet shoes pirate hat binoculars thats all i hav
there are no pass codes for parking mania ;) :0
here are some codes teddy,ballet shoes,necklace,binoculars,lamp and pirate hat
there is o parking mania codes
the codes are teddy,necklace,Ballet shoes,lamp,binoculars and pirate hat.those are all i hav
the codes are teddy,necklace,ballet shoes,lamp,binoculars and pirate hat.those are all i hav
whats the cheat codes too parking mania 2
Search online!
codes are cheats