Probably not. I'll explain to you why, because there was no NHL 07 for Gamecube, there was no NHL 08 for the wii so there probably won't be a NHL 09 for the wii.
No, only NHL 2K9, 2K10, and 2K11 are available for the Wii. The only EA hockey game for Wii is NHL Slapshot.
Yeah there is NHL 2010 in the works for Wii console from EA Sports.
its IMPOSSIBLE for wii
Yes, NHL ea series will come to wii finally. If you don't believe it go to and search NHL 11 coming to wii? On pastapadre and it will show an awesome picture. P.s. This is not NHL slapshot this is the real deal NHL series. This so awesome.
currently yes
2k Sports has released their annual hockey game every year for the Wii since 2009: NHL 2k9, 2k10, and 2k11. EA's last NHL mainstream game that was released on the Wii is NHL 09, but have since then created a motion-based version, NHL Slapshot, alongside the release of NHL 11 on the Xbox 360 and PS3.
it's called NHL 2K9 No, nhl 09 has Dion phaneuf on the cover, they only have nhl 2k9 which has rick Nash on the cover.
Yes there is NHL '10
it doesn't