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poop ps3 u press triangle and hope u get lucky enough to get it it is had

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Q: In nba ballers how do you bounce this ball on someone head?
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Does cricket ball have to bounce when bowled?

The ball doesn't have to bounce, but if it passes the batsman above the waist before it bounces then it will be a no-ball. If it hits the ground, then bounces over head height, it will be allowed once per over. any more head height bouncers will be classed as wides.

What is a good free throw chant if you make it?

bounce the ball three times behind ur head then shoot it!

What does it mean to juggle a soccerball?

When you bounce a soccer ball repeatedly with your feet, knees, head, etc. it is called "Juggling".

Why does a ball bounce back upon a falling?

When a ball falls and hits a surface, it compresses due to the force of impact. This compression stores energy in the ball, which is then released as the ball rebounds back off the surface. This release of stored energy propels the ball back up, causing it to bounce.

Is a ball twirling around someone's head rotating or orbiting?

ball spinning on its axis- rotation ball spinning around the head- revolution/ orbiting

What is basketball dribbling?

they way u move the ball by bouncing it on the ground actually here is a better answer. Dribbling is when you bounce the the ball on the ground while walking or running and you keep control of the ball

What is it called when someone propels the ball with their head in soccer?

It is called heading the ball or called a header.

What is a ball stop in lacrosse?

ball stop in lacrosse is a piece of foam material that has an adhesive on one side that allows it to stick to the throat area of the lacrosse head. the ball stop allows players to catch passes and have the ball not bounce off of the bottom plastic.

How do you do a off-the-head move in PS3 NBA ballers chosen one?

i dont no hahaha*sn:make it rain tick*

How much air does it take to blow up a soccer ball?

Test it like this: Hold the ball as high as your arm will reach without lifting your toes. Then, let it do a fall with no acceleration. If the ball reaches your head with the first bounce it is fully blown up.

Does the bounce of the ball effect the distance it can be hit?

Yes, it does. Although it does depend on what material the ball is made of, for the most part, yes. If you rolled a 5 pound ball made of rubber, with a circumference of 6 inches, it would go less far on a flat plane than a 5 pound rubber ball with 12 inches of circumference.:)*correct me if I'm wrong guys*Visit my website at

What do you call a delivery that doesn't pitch and travels shoulder to head-high?
