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Playing time for JaMarcus Russell in 07i bet a LOT... at least that's what I'm hoping.. even if he doesnt start the first few games I'm sure by mid-season he will have taken over the reigns of the team...
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Q: How much playing time will JaMarcus Russell get with the Raiders in the 2007 season?
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How does Jamarcus Russell define America?

Jamarcus Russell defines America with his great sportsmanship. Jamarcus Russell is a future hall of famer. He is the only qb in history to be able to throw a straight 80 yard pass. He can even throw 60 yards on knee. In 2009, he lead his team(The Oakland Raiders) to a victory over the defending world champion Pittsburgh Steelers. The guy is the best ever. However, he retired early becasue his knee was shattered in the off-season. If he would have stayed with the Oakland Raiders, he would have for sure won a superbowl.

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Through the 2008 season, Russell has thrown 12 INTs, 4 in 2007 and 8 in 2008.

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Jamarcus Russell is an NFL quarterback and possibly, future Hall-of-Famer. He nearly ended his career by shattering a knee in the off-season. He was released from the Oakland Raiders due to a locker room controversy. He is the only quarterback in NFL history (yet) to be able to throw a football for 80 yards in the air. He can also throw a football 60 yards in the air on one knee, but not the shattered one. In 2009, he led the Oakland Raiders to one victory over the defending Superbowl Champions, the Pittsburgh Steelers. If Jamarcus Russell had not shattered his knee in the off-season and got released by the Raiders, he might very well have led the Raiders to at least one Superbowl victory. In the 2009 season, the Raiders had a real good chance to make the playoffs. However, Jamarcus Russell had a back injury. He is currently trying out for the Washington Redskins. The people that say that may be "fans" which is short for "fanatics", or the records may prove that statement to be true. It is difficult, however, to compare players' greatness when there are 22 different positions. I don't as yet see his image replacing the Heisman Trophy, for example.

In the 2002 Super Bowl who played qb for the raiders?

QB starting duties for the 2003 Raiders were shared between Rich Gannon and Rick Mirer. Marquis Tuiasosopo and Rob Johnson also played quarterback for the Raiders that season.

What does it mean when people say that jamarcus Russell is the best ever?

Jamarcus Russell is a future hall of famer. He is the only qb in history to be able to throw a straight 80 yard pass. He can even throw 60 yards on knee. In 2009, he lead his team(The Oakland Raiders) to a victory over the defending world champion Pittsburgh Steelers. The guy is the best ever. However, he retired early becasue his knee was shattered in the off-season. If he would have stayed with the Oakland Raiders, he would have for sure won a superbowl.

Who is going to be the Raider's starting Quarterbackk for the 2008 season?

JaMarcus Russell (The first overall pick in the 2007 draft) has been declared the starter. The two Raiders back-ups, Andrew Walter and Marques Tuiasosopo have not impressed when they've had the chance to start and are unlikely to get any significant game time unless Russell is injured.

What do the raiders have to do to have a winning season?

get rid of al Davis & make sure he takes Russell with him

Who is the heaviest NFL quarterback?

For the 2007 season that would be backup QB Jared Lorenzen of the New York Giants who is listed at 6'4" and 285 it is Jamarcus Russell weighing in at 300 pounds.

How many black starting quarter backs in the NFL 2008?

5. donavon mcnabb, tavaris Jackson, Jason cambell, david Gerrard, jamarcus russle,

Who is the gretest Raider of all time?

Jamarcus Russell, he is a future hall of famer. He is the only qb in history to be able to throw a straight 80 yard pass. He can even throw 60 yards on knee. In 2009, he lead his team(The Oakland Raiders) to a victory over the defending world champion Pittsburgh Steelers. The guy is the best ever. However, he retired early becasue his knee was shattered in the off-season. If he would have stayed with the Oakland Raiders, he would have for sure won a superbowl.

What stopped bill Russell from playing a full rookie season?

Played In Olympics

When did Heath Shuler play NFL QB for the Oakland Raiders?

Shuler signed with the Raiders prior to the 1998 season. He suffered another foot injury in training camp and retired before playing a game with the Raiders.