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Q: How do you pick up someone and slam them on the ground while they are trying to submit you in UFC undisputed?
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I think it means that you are trying to shoot them. And I think the descriptive term you are looking for is Strafe. Combined with the dropping of bombs it is a form of ground attack which has been practiced since WW1.

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I Was Trying to Describe You to Someone was created on 2010-02-23.

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How submission works inufc 2009 undisputed?

okay submissions are different depending on if your going against a CPU or Human, For CPU: make sure they are fully drained (gassed) and if your going for a Knee Bar then kick the leg you are going to Knee Bar . other than that it is really hard to submit the CPU just try and get the Stamina Advantage and keep on trying to submit them For Human: very simple, just wait till they are completely or almost drained (gassed) and Tap A rapidly to submit them (do same for CPU). That's about it The Rear Naked Choke is the most powerful