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It's very difficult 2 create them, but that's impossible 2 create a pet without a Sim. 4 e.g.:

1) Newbie - Betty Newbie, Bob Newbie, Hosun Kim, Sunyoung Aunt, Jason Kim, Chaelin Kim

2) Hardiman - Kate Hardiman, Dan Hardiman, Leo Kim, Meesun Nam, Sekho Kim, Jane Kim

3) Townsend - Linda Townsend, Williams Townsend, John Lee, Jihan Lee, Michelle Nam

4) Whiskerton - Mira May, Penelope Arnold, Varian Parker, Marsha Worthington, Julie Nam, Jiwon Lee

5) Lee - Junga Nam, Sandra Nam, Sueho Lee, Jacob Lee, Wonjoon Lee, Junho Lee

6) Hi-5 - Kathleen de Leon Jones, Tim Harding, Charli Delaney, Nathan Foley, Kellie Hoggart, John Price

7) Simpson - Dottie Simpson, Sun Park, Casey Burgess, Tim Maddren, Fely Irvine, Olivia Price

8) Oakley - Buck Oakley, Ainsley Melham, Dayen Zheng, Lauren Brant, Stevie Nicholsen, Mary Lascaris

9) School - Karen Bucket, Katy Michael, David Bucket, Anne Kim, Daniel Bucket, Chaelin Bucket

10) Julia Nam, Jack Lee, Jim Lee, Sara Nam, Junha Lee, Alice Nam

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11y ago
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9y ago

When you are on the screen showing the whole of your neighbour hood in the bottom of the screen there shold be a create a sim button click on it and then you will go into that and from there it is quite self explainatry

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14y ago

you go into your Sims cellphone and look at the options and one will say 'move'. click on the button and choose your house. (you can move into a house even if someones already living there).

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15y ago

I have created another family and don't know how to create or play on another one.

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14y ago

You go to the neigbhor hood and click the houses and play the family

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14y ago

What ever family you want to

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12y ago

You don't.

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Q: How do you make a family on The Sims?
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Yes, you can make your own family. Theres supposed to be a button on the bottom left corner with a add family thing!

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Family friends are simply that, friends of your sims family.

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Habbo Hotel, pretend

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it depends what version of sims you have. On the Sims the grim reaper does not appear. On the Sims 2 you will have to sacrifice one of your sims to make the Grim Reaper appear. The sims 3 is the most fun game though. There are a number of ways to make the Grim Reaper appear, and you can even add him to your Active Family! Have fun! x

Can you have a cat on sims 2 for ps2?

You Can Only On Sims 2 Pets You Should Get To Make A Cat On Create A Family Or Buy On In Town Square

How do you move a sim into your sims house on The Sims 3?

you have to make a family or select the ones that are already there then u click on them and put them in a house that fits their budget.

How do you make houses on sims deluxe without the people?

when you are in the neighbor hood mode DO NOT select a family, you will be in build mode and you can build a house without a family in the house, and you can later move a family into the house or you can upload the house to a sims download site.