If you have already gone into the secret cavern then fly to lilycove. Then run or bike past the saffari zone to where the archeologist guy is. You'll notice that the rocks are in the same places as where they would be on registeel. Then look for an opening in the central rock.
It's not in the game. However, you can trade it from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
Which Game? i know how to get him in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Black 2, and White 2.
u catch each reggie in their chambers
There are three that are Ice, Steel and Rock. Ice- Reggieice Steel-Reggiesteel Rock- Reggierock King Reggie is Reggiegigas
Migrate it from ruby sapphire emerald
my friend would like to know hoe to catch reggie rock and im a girl and i dont even know who or what is reggie rock help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steel is super effective against rock type pokemon.
There is no cave for the regis in Pokemon ruby. I have the game no regice regirock or steel.
Fire, fighting, steel and rock
One is found in the currents, but you need dig.
there are no steelix in saphire,emerald and ruby version. hope my answer can help you! if you want to get a steelix you have to give an onix a "steel coat" and via trade it. after you trade it, it will automatically evolve.
im no etierly sure but i think it is reggie coz Bob Marley sang reggie music n there is also reggie reggie sauce from the Caribbean or reggie reggie Pizza r u reggie reggie