Marathon allows you to run without stopping. Marathon Pro includes the ability to climb obstacles faster as well.
What Marathon pro does is it makes you climb over objects and up ladders faster.
domination and lightweight
Marathon Man - Unlimited SprintMarathon Man Pro - Unlimited Sprint + Climb obstacles faster
Sprint 26 Miles using Marathon. It's misleading on the description because it says 'run' not 'sprint' like it says for the Lightweight Pro description.
It increases the speed of climbing ledges and ladders.
Let's you run longer.
it makes you climb faster
ump45 with silencer spas 12 fmj semtex stun grenades marathon pro hardline pro commando pro final stand
Commando Pro, Sleight of Hand Pro, Lightweight Pro, Marathon Pro, Danger Close Pro, Ninja Pro, Scavenger Pro, Last Stand Pro, One Man Army Pro, Steady Aim Pro, Hard line Pro, Cols Blooded Pro, Sit Rep Pro
Because they had Lightweight and Marathon Pro.
Perk 1: Marathon Pro Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro Perk 3: Commando, Snipers - Steady Aim Pro.