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yes they made up the rule about it

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Q: Does FIFA tolerate losing by forfeit?
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Related questions

If you Forfit a game is that considered losing the whole game?

Yes Forfeit is conceding to an automatic loss.

Has a major league baseball team ever forfeited a game in which it is losing badly?

Yes, a major league baseball team has been forced to forfeit a game when it is losing badly. There have also been teams that have been forced to forfeit due to a crowd that was too rowdy.

What part of speech is the word forfeit?

The word "forfeit" can be used as both a verb and a noun. As a verb, it describes the action of losing or giving up something as a penalty. As a noun, it refers to the penalty or loss incurred.

Who were losing finalists in 1974 and 1978 in the fifa world cup?

The Netherlands

Losing finalists in 1974 and 1978 in the fifa world cup?

Holland were the loosers in the 1974 and 1978 finals.

What is the future tense of forfeit?


Forfeit as a verb?

If you don't appear in court, you will forfeit your bail.

Can either team forfeit an NFL game?

Yes, they can forfeit.

What is the prefix and suffix of forfeit?

The prefix of forfeit is "for-", and the suffix is "-feit".

What could be a sentence with the word forfeit?

In ordinary usuage, "forfeit" means to relinquish your rights, as in: "I choose to forfeit my rights to the property that I own".

Find out what Mexico's best finishes ever in the World Cup of soccer?

Mexico have twice made it to the Quarter-Finals in the FIFA World Cup; 1970 : Losing 4-1 to losing finalists Italy. 1986 : Losing 4-1 on penalties to losing finalists West Germany.

How do you write a sentence with the word forfeit?

"He would have to forfeit his turn to answer the telephone."