Tennis,Football,Rugby,Baseball,Nf Every Sport You Need Power In Love:Rose-Annxxx naaa, you don't need power in football or tennis, that's speed :) x
It is not really possible to have as much skill as chuck Norris but the main thing Chuck Norris uses to have all the skill he has..... is chuck Norris power
Control, they generate their own power.
you have to go to the control panel for the roller coaster and switch it to where wriggler goes to the flower and then you have to do a challenge and beat it and then you have wriggler oh and if you have any more ? i have beat the game
you need to have a power saves wii
Tennis is needed to temporarily satisfy a tennis player's insatiable need for awesomeness.
If you're talking about the crates in Mario stadium, then you need to have donkey kong on your team and you use his power to make the crates explode
To play tennis, basically all you need is a racket your size, tennis balls, tennis court shoes and tennis balls. Very Simple.
I would say you need a tennis racket, tennis shoes, I personally would wear a head band but you dont have to. that is about it.
You need power, and accuracy in your top spins, forehands, backhands and all the other techniques...Take years to get it, but you need lots of muscle also.
You don't find Chuck Norris - Chuck Norris finds you.
he doesn't need a reason he is chuck Norris