

Best Answer
  • Fishing
  • Discus
  • Boxing (if you count the ring as a net)
  • Deck Tennis or 'Tennequoits' (uses quoits)
  • Hammer Throw
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Deck Tennis, Discus, Ice Hockey, Hammer, Fishing & Badminton

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βˆ™ 11y ago

On the Web "net"

Call of Duty play 10 games

fish - ing

accounting net loss

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Q: Can you name 6 sports that use a net but no ball?
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Two sports that use a ball and net?

volleyball tennis

Sports that use a net and a ball?

netball, basketball, football

What are the similarities between volleyball and tennis?

Volleyball and tennis are similar in that there is a ball and a net. Volleyball does not have rackets like tennis. With volleyball you aren't allowed to let the ball touch the ground like you are in tennis. In both games, you are facing another team. There is a difference in the number of players as well as the method of scoring.

In what sports would you use a net?


Where the red Gyarados?

Lake of Rage Mahogany City. I suggest using a Pokemon that can use hypnosis and weaken it to yellow. Then use a net ball, ultra ball, or great ball. I just used a net ball.

What sports dont use a ball?


What is the best ball to use to catch Suicune in Pokemon soul silver?

net ball, fast ball

How use the word net in a sentence?

The net caught the ball. The business recorded a net profit after calculating losses and assets.

Which sports use agility?

Most of the sports. Such as horse riding, swimming basket ball.

What sport uses racquet's?

Two of the most common sports that use rackets are Badminton and paddle ball. Also, tennis and pickle ball are common sports that use a racket.

What does football and baseball have in common?

They both use a ball. They are both team sports, not individual sports.

Does a volleyball team have to use all of its hits to get the ball over the net?
