cotton seeds are very small
A breech cloth, also called a loin cloth, is a loose length of cloth worn to cover the loins.
yes you do and all you have to do is to go to a farm store and ask for tabacoo seeds
The cotten gin was used for making it easier on the slaves to pick out all the seeds in the cotten so the cotten picked out all the seeds
Mortar and pestle
Carom seeds are called Ajwain in Hindi
Marijuana seeds
The seeds in a pomegranate are called "arils".
It is the aril
Maple seeds are typically called "helicopter seeds" or "maple keys" because of the way they spin and helicopter-like shape when falling from a tree.
Dandelion seeds are attached to a feathery structure called a pappus, which acts like a parachute, allowing them to be carried by the wind to new locations. When the wind blows, the pappus helps the seeds to float away from the parent plant and cover greater distances for dispersal.
Gingelly seeds are called "ellu" in Tamil.
Their seeds are enclosed in ovaries unlike the "naked seed" plants, gymnospores, which have no ovaries.
It is for protection