The Creek Indians lived in South Middle Tennessee. Creek Indians also lived along the Tennessee River. Creek Indians also lived in Alabama and Georgia.
They played trowing stones and stick games.
The Creek Indians took in some Africans who had escaped from slavery. There was much intermarriage in the tribe. Some Black Creek fought in the Civil War against the Confederacy.
The Creek tribe lived in parts of Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. The Poarch Creek still live in Alabama.
afvcketv (ah-fuhj-ke-duh)
What did the creek indians wear?
they are Indians
How maney Creek Indians exist today
In no way shape or form.
Beaver Creek Indians was created in 1998.
what games did the yakima tribe play
The Creek Indians lived in South Middle Tennessee. Creek Indians also lived along the Tennessee River. Creek Indians also lived in Alabama and Georgia.
The creek Indians moved into the southeast from what is now the southwestern United States.
the creek Indians were native to Georgia. The leader of the creek tribe was Tomochichi.
play games