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Maurice Davin.

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Q: Who was the 1st president of the GAA?
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Who is the general secretary of the GAA?

On the 14th of April 2012, Liam O'Neill became the GAA president for a 3 year term.

When was Ballinahinchi GAA formed?

Ballinahinch GAA Club was founded in 1886 on th 1st of november.

What was the name of the GAA president in 1925?

Patrick Breen.

When did Christy Cooney start being president of the GAA?

April 2009.

When will christy cooney finish being GAA president?

On the 14th of April 2012.

Who is the president of the GAA 2012?

Christy Cooney was president up to April 2012, during which Liam O'Neill succeeded him.

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Antha chetha gaa RASAVA ??????

Why do protestants not want to play in the GAA?

Some see it as representing Irish culture which they do not want to be part of, mainly in Northern Ireland. However, many Protestants do play GAA and there has even been a President of the GAA who was a Protestant. Also, the Sam Maguire trophy, the most important trophy in Gaelic Football is named after a Protestant. He was very much involved in the GAA.

When was the GAA formed?

It was founded on the 1st of November, 1884, in Hayes Hotel, in Thurles, County Tipperary.

When was Navan O'Mahonys GAA created?

Feohanagh-Castlemahon GAA was created in 1890.

When was Mountmellick GAA created?

Miltown Malbay GAA Club was created in 1892.

Does Lady gaa gaa have children?

nope ;(