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Q: Who is the current vice president for the NFL?
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What is the name of the current United States Vice President?

The current Vice-President is called Joe Biden.

Who is china's current vice president?

The current vice president of China is Li Yuanchao. Before he became vice president, he was the secretary of Jiangsu from 2002 to 2007.

Identify the president and vice president?

The current (2010) US President is Barack Obama, and the current US Vice President is Joseph Biden.

Who is the Vice-President of the US today?

The current Vice President is Joseph Biden.

Who was elected vice president of the us?

The current vice president is Joe Biden.

Who becomes the president if the president would die?

The Vice President would. The current Vice President is Joe Biden.

What is the name of the Vice President of the United?

The current Vice-President is called Joe Biden.

If the current president dies who replaces him?

The vice president.

How is the current vice president?


If president died who would be president?

The Vice President would become president, the current vice president of America is Joe Biden.

Who is the currrent vice president of the US?

Joseph Biden is vice-president of the united states. He is a former longtime senator from Maryland.