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Baseball. Cincinnati red stockings

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Q: Which sport became popular after the American Civil War. What was the name of the first official team?
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In what war was the song Battle Hymen of the Republic most popular?

It became most popular during the American Civil War [1861-1865].

What was the official name of the US Civil War?

The American Civil War.

What sport became popular during the civil war?


What were pictures called back in the American Civil War?

You may be referring to daguerreotypes, invented by Louis Daguerre around 1826, which became popular around the 1830s to the 1860s.

Which states entered the Union during the American Civil War?

West Virginia and Nevada both became states during the American Civil War, and both were Union states.West Virginia and Nevada became states during the American Civil War, and both were Union states.

What group became popular in the south after the civil war?

The Ku Klux Klan

What was the famous song the union sang during the civil war?

"The Battle Hymn of the Republic" is an American abolitionist song. The lyrics were written by Julia Ward Howe in November 1861 and first published in The Atlantic Monthly on 1 February 1862. It became popular during the American Civil War.

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What war was caused after Texas became a slave state?

The American Civil War.

Do we have an official civil flag?

The United States has the American flag designed in 1775 by Francis Hopkins for the navy.

How did the south discriminate against African American after the civil war?

They became centers of leadership and community

What became the center of African American communities in the South after the Civil War?

I would suppose the churches did.