Hi ho cherry-o. Because it reminds him of picking cherries from the tree, and taking them to the spacious factory.
His favorite video game of all time is Medal of Honor: Rising Sun because it reminds him of Hawaii and Pearl Harbor.
obama like to play golf
to play with his brother and play games and go to school
he enjoys playing basketball and football
maybe play with the kids and the dog
play basketball
Obama love to play basketball and he loves to play with his daughters when he has the chance. He also loves debating and learning new things! ( He really likes basketball! ) :)
they dont play games they play with each other
I think he played guard in high school. He now only plays in informal games.
yes she does she has a sweet jump shot like her father
they played baseball
the types of games they play are old. like galaga
He has not said much about playing video games, nor has he said that he is a fan of them. We do know that he prefers playing sports like basketball or golf, but if he owns a Playstation, he has not commented about it. In fact, in several speeches, he has told parents not to let their kids play video games too much.