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Q: What bird's call sounds like Larry?
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How did the cuckoo birds get its name?

It gets its name from its call "cuckoo". Other birds have been named after their calls such as "crow" and "chiffchaff" It gets its name from its call "cuckoo". Other birds have been named after their calls such as "crow" and "chiffchaff"

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What bird makes a call that sounds like who cooks for you?

Owl The barred owl. The call sounds like, "who cooks for you, who cooks for you all".

What sounds do baby birds like?

They sound like my friend Kellie.

What does chirruping?

Chirruping is a clucking or clicking sound you make with your mouth. Sort of like a bird call or when you're calling a horse. It can also be applied to some sounds that birds make.

What does a whippoorwhill call sound like?

It sounds exactly like the bird's name, "whip, poor, will..Accent on last syllable. A good site to hear bird songs is Cornell Lab of Ornithology, "All About Birds".

Who is the character that sounds like Larry in vegetable tales?

Mike Nawrocki,Veggie Tale's Co-Founder

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Lars, Lawrence, Larry, Leslie leslie...sounds like a girl to me???

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mimicry is when something looks or sounds like something else some birds can mimic human sounds (like parrots) some animals can mimic other animals' sounds

Which animals call sounds like human laughter?

a chimp because they behave just like us and they also laugh like us

Do crow birds get a deficants in there feathers?

Although it SOUNDS like an actual word, "deficant" is not in the dictionary. Also, "crow birds" is redundant.

In northern Africa what sounds like a good home for birds?

canary islands XD