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Sometimes, the brakes don't work and there are flat tires.

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Q: What are some bad things about bikes?
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Is riding bikes to school good or bad?

The good thing is that it provides exercise, an bikes don't pollute while in use. The possibly bad thing is that it'll put kids on the roads, and some roads and some age of kids isn't a safe mix.

What types of bikes do Charge sell?

There are many different bikes that the store Charge sells. Some of the bikes are brand new bikes. Some of the bike are used bikes, and some of them are even refurbished bikes.

What are some simple cheap things you can do to enhance your dirt bikes performance?

practice every day

How much do dimindback viper bikes cost?

Only about 150$, but they're pretty bad bikes.

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Some bad things is they use human sacrifice so be careful

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Some things that are bad that start with A are:accidentsacid refluxadulteryallergiesArsenicArsonasthmaassaultaudit, IRSavalanche

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ktm bikes

What are some bad things about camels?

They spit and smell bad.

What were some bad things about Aphrodite?

she had a really bad temper

What were some good things about mercantilism?

some good things about mercantilism was that they had to get together to find out some things about people. They didn'tknow what to do about those good things but they did know what to do about the bad things. And you will know more about the bad things whenever you ask the question.