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as soon as your doctor says its okay to (remember to ask him because if you still are recovering in any way it can add danger to Scuba diving)

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Q: How soon can you go scuba diving after having pneumonia?
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What's the first step to treating pneumonia?

The first step to treating pneumonia to to rush to a medical professional as soon as pneumonia is suspected. Your lungs may have to be drained and if left untreated it can be fatal.

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If you have a high white blood cell count it could mean any number of things that you need to see Your Local Medical Doctor about very soon

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There are different types of pneumonia so there is no set standard as to when the full illness will develop. Some people never even realize they have pneumonia and the symptoms, common in a host of respiratory problems, simply disappear on their own.

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If you want to get more points this is what you do. Just spin faster and click as soon as you're done.

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He may have a cold/cough. Get him/her checked out by a vet as soon as you can because a cold/cough can turn into something serious like pneumonia.

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It is called pneumonia. And though it is a serious condition, if properly treated, the person should be fine in a couple of weeks.

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How do you dive on super Mario 63 on the computer?

Technically, as soon as you enter the water you are diving. Just use the arrow keys to move around in the water.

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I dont know but not soon. From the look of the pictures of her, it wont be soon.