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Thompsons were magazine fed there were the 30+1 round stick magazines, and 50+1 and 100+1 round drum magazines.

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Q: How much does a Thompson sub machine gun clip hold?
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What gun has the highest ammo capacity?

You have to be more specific. Looking at the "Magazine" or "clip" can give you a good idea on how much ammo a weapon can hold. Also the caliber size of the ammo is a factor to how much ammo is in a "Magazine/clip".

How much ammo is in a M-16 banana clip?

Well, it is actually called a magazine, not a clip. The standard M-16 magazine holds 20 cartridges, extended magazines hold 30.

How much is a Thompson sub machine gun worth?

Depending on condition, exact configuration, history and legal to transfer; somewhere in the 15-40 thousand dollar range.

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Before the development of a rapid fire firearm (the machine gun) the fastest you could shoot would be with repeater rifles which couldn't hold as much ammunition as a machine gun could.

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One, The Semperfire RF200 isn't coming out. and second, it holds 200.

What does clip size do in Team Fortress 2?

Depends, clip size is ammo. Primary clip is how many times you can shoot before reloading. Some weapons, like the heavy's minigun are entirely primary clip and require no reloading. Secondary clip is how much ammo you have to replace your primary clip. Size is just how much you have.

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MLB player Trayce Thompson weighs 210 pounds.

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NBA player Jason Thompson weighs 250 pounds.

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NHL player Nate Thompson weighs 210 pounds.

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NBA player Hollis Thompson weighs 206 pounds.

How much of a movie clip can you use?

As much as you like.

How much ammo does a uzi ammo clip have?

I think there are 200 bullets in a uzi ammo clip