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Q: Will there be snow in Michigan this year?
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In one year Detroit Michigan recorded 30.9 inches of snow and Chicago Illinois recorded 39.9 inches of snow which city had more snow?

Chicago did.

How many months a year does it snow in Michigan?

In the Upper Peninsula, every month but July has seen snow, hence the motto: "eleven months of winter and thirty days of rain."

Does it snow in Lake Michigan?


What city in Michigan had snow yesterday?


Why does Northern Michigan get more snow than lower Michigan?

The higher you go the colder it is.

What is the annual snow fall in Milford Michigan?


When did it snow in July in Michigan?

July 4th 1968

Do commercial snow removal trucks in Michigan have to have Michigan Department of Transportation vehicle numbers?

If they're a Michigan-based company or organization, yes.

Where did Eric Snow go to college?

Michigan State University

Does it snow in Grand Rapids?

Yes, and often the proximity to Lake Michigan causes something called "lake effect snow" which means that in winter, West Michigan receives quite a bit of precipitation.

What is the snowest place in Michigan?

The farther up you go in Michigan, it gets more snower, for instance the UP gets lots of snow.

Jobs for 12 year-old in Michigan?

There are no jobs for 12 year old in michigan