Deertrail colorado claims to be the first rodeo
Denver City was the capital of the Colorado Territory, but shortened its name to Denver when it became the first Capital of Colorado in 1876.
First National Bank Colorado was created in 1881.
Denver was the first capitol ( and only) in Colorado ;-)
The Chevy Colorado came out in 2004
The first known inhabitants of Colorado were the Basket Makers. They can be traced back to 1500 BC.
The first settlement was in Pueblo, Colorado and it was called San Carlos. It was established by Juan Bautista in 1787.
1st of course would be the Colorado plateau. Where would the river flow if it came first before the plateau? 2nd would be the Colorado river. As time went by, the Colorado river continually eroded the plateau until it had carved out a deep canyon from the plateau. This would then be the start of the Grand Canyon.
joe jon
Rich and Conner