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You get your second job change, level 35

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Q: Who do you get second jobs in elsword NA?
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When is chung cOming out in elsword na?

In about 6 days xD

When are all the characters coming out to elsword NA?

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When did Elsword happen?

Elsword happened in 2007.

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No, Elsword is perfectly trust able

Where can you download Elsword game in English?

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Does Elsword have virus?

Fix your question you idiot, "Does Elsword have a virus?" And no, it doesn't

When do you become code empress in elsword?

You have to play as the up-coming character Eve, you complete your second job change of the jobs Code Empress and Code Nemsis and you rank up to that after your first job change. You sucsessfully become Code Empress at level 35 after you completed your second job change

How long does the second promotion pieces last in Elsword?

2 minets or even 3 and i even know cheats if you want them

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Where can you buy Chung for elsword?

You don't buy chung he's a playable character in the korean and japanese versions of elsword.

Is elsword a Japanese game?

yes elsword is a japanese game. and who thought japanese girl could be so CUTE!!!

When will elsword come out English?

Kog has Official announced today that Elsword USA Will be coming out in 2011. is the link to the website where they released this information. Keep on watching to see when beta comes out.