Matoaca is located in Chesterfield County about 5 miles northwest of Petersburg and about 15 miles south of Richmond.
Matoaca High School in Chesterfield County Virginia
Matoaca High School was created in 1963.
Matoaca Middle School was created in 1975.
By the way- her REAL name was Matoaca. Pocahontas was her nickname. And no, there were no schools or colleges in Virginia when she was a young girl.
Matoaca Middle School's motto is 'You can't hide that warrior pride'.
The phone number of the Ettrick-Matoaca Library is: 804-526-8087.
The address of the Ettrick-Matoaca Library is: 4501 River Road, Petersburg, 23803 1700
James Farrior
Matoaca High School Ettrick, VA
Everyone calls her Pocahontas, but her actual name was Matoaca. Pocahontas was a nickname that means little playful one. She married John Rolfe, and became Rebecca Rolfe.
Best known was probably Chief Powhatan, father of Pocahontas (whose REAL name was Matoaca)
Her real name was Matoaca, but you probably know her by her nickname- Pocahontas. Daughter of Powhatan. She married John Rolfe, and was known as Rebecca Rolfe.