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Q: When can cubs look after themselves?
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What do cheetah cubs do to make themselves look bigger to predators?

Use gel and stick their fur up

How does cheetah look after cheetah young?

A mother cheetah looks after her young by moving its den every few days, to keep pretators from tracking the cubs down and eating them. The mother will also trap small animals, and bring them to the den for the cubs to play with and build their hunting skills. The mother cheetah also hunts for the cheetah cubs until they are old enough to take turns hunting. Then the mother cheetah, when the cubs are old enough to look after themselves, moves out, leaving the cheetahs to survive by themselves.

How long does a lion look after its cubs?

A lioness typically nurses and cares for her cubs for about 1.5 to 2 years. During this time, she provides them with protection, guidance, and teaches them to hunt. Once the cubs are old enough to fend for themselves, they will leave their mother to establish their own territories.

What are jaguar babies called?

Jaguar babies are called cubs. They are usually born in litters of one to four cubs and are cared for by their mother until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Does tiger belong in a herd?

No, tigers are solitary hunters. A group is probably a mother and cubs, the cubs being too young to fend for themselves.

Do snow leopards take care of the cubs?

Yes, female snow leopards care for the cubs until they are old enough to care for themselves.

What do panda cubs look like?

panda cubs are so cute there fluffy and look a bit like a kittenbaby pandas look like small kittenswhite and blacklike jesus

Do Siberian Tigers travel by themselves?

The male Siberian tigers usually travel by themselves while the female tigers travel with their cubs.

When baby lion cubs are born do they have lots of fur?

so they can keep themselves warm

Do kitten jaguars hunt by themselves?

Jaguar cubs (kittens) do not hunt. That is done by the mother.

What do gray wolf cubs look like?

like you

How many syllables in 'always looking for food for cubs'?

There are 8 syllables.Al-ways - look-ing - for - food - for - cubs.