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girls in Japan play softball and also do gymnastics.

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Q: What sports to Japan girls do?
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Related questions

What sports do girls play in Japan?

SOftball , gymnastic, strip poker

What are Japan's sports?

Judo, karate, golf, and auto racingare sports in Japan.

Are boys sports better than girls sports?

not in all sports. girls are usually better in tennis

What sports do only girls play besides softball?

All the sports that boys do but with girls.

What are sports for girls?

Soccer is a girls sport

What sports can girls do?

girls could do more better sports that boys like tennis and volleyball

How many girls love boy sports?

About 1 out of 5 girls like girl sports

Are boys sports superior to girls sports?

No they play equal sports.

What are the popular sports for children in japan?

The most popular sports in Japan when I was young, was basketball and soccer. I used to live there and I played for Nagasaki in both sports :)

What sports are originated in Japan?


When was Japan Professional Sports Grand Prize created?

Japan Professional Sports Grand Prize was created in 1968.

What are some of Japan's Team Sports?

same sports in the usa