You can just go to their website to see what sports they play.
Hawaii has a variety of water recreation sports such as surfing , boogieboarding , swimming , ETC. Hawaii also has a bit of baseball. It is dangerous for water sports because Hawaii is filled with sharks around the island because the water is always warm.
Water Sports
UMM, basketball, football, swimming/diving, cross country, football, baseball, golf, tennis, volleyball, sailing, soccer, softball,indoor track and field, outdoor track and field, and water polo. I know it's alot but Hawaii ain't different from us You can Be any age for a lot of the games. Water Polo is a really good spot tot play. It might seem boarding but it is good.
Football, basketball, swimming/diving, cross country, baseball, golf, tennis, volleyball, and soccer to name just a few. They play the same sports as other people do in the Continental United States.
Rainbow warriors
Barack Obama
Yoshi Oyakawa
Pay-to-play sports require payments to play.