Norwegians tend to play beach sports in the winter due to their Southern Hemisphere location
Many Norwegians play sports. Some typical sport examples are: - Football - Handball - Skiing
The answer would probably be one of the winter sports. Example: skiing The Norwegians are also very good at handball.
A sport people can play in the winter is snowboarding.
they go sledding play winter sports and play in the snow
Lithuanians play basketball, tennis, football and winter sports.
Football (soccer) is definitely the most famous summer sport in Norway. There are several popular winter sports, but Norwegians are very good in cross country skiing, and that's a popular sport in Norway. We're one of the best winter sports nations in the world in sports such as ski jumping, biathlon and cross country. But to answer your question I have to say soccer.
in christmas time it was winter so they can play ice skating
Same sports as usa but American football is stricly American they usually play soccer and hockey and are known most in the winter Olympics for curling
French people would go and do winter sports sledding and play in the snow
Winter sports are those played during the winter season and summer sports are played during the summer. Winter sports include things such as snow sports and wrestling Summer sports include things such as track and field.
Ski Jumping