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The Australian crawl was the original name for the swimming stroke now known as Freestyle. the stroke was developed in Australia.

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Q: What sport do you do the crawl?
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Related questions

Which sport is crawl and backstroke and butterfly?

Swimming is the sport that includes crawl, backstroke, and butterfly as different strokes swum competitively. Each stroke has specific techniques and rules that swimmers must follow during races.

What is the percentage of people who have played a sport in their life?

so the answer is 100% because even babies crawl and that's a sport and walking is also a sport so you have the answer! 100%

What sport is similar to Horse Racing?

Greyhound racing is similar to horse racing as it involves animals racing around a track. Both sports involve betting and require strategy and skill from the participants.

What is the present of crawl?

crawl I crawl, you crawl, he crawls, we crawl, they crawl.

What is the present tense of crawl?

crawl I crawl, you crawl, he crawls, we crawl, they crawl.

What is the future tense of crawl?

The future tense of "crawl" is "will crawl".

What is the hottest sport this season?

The Death Valley 2000 meter low crawl. It is a scorcher! Sun block and tinted dust goggles are a must.

In what sport would a participant do the Australian crawl?

The Australian crawl was the original name for the swimming stroke now known as Freestyle. the stroke was developed in Australia.

What album on Veltpunch is Crawl on?

crawl is a single so the album name is crawl

Do crocodiles walk or crawl?

Crocodiles walk on land using their legs, which are positioned beneath their bodies. They move by lifting their bodies off the ground with each step. When moving on land, they do not crawl like snakes but instead walk by moving their legs in a typical walking motion.

How do you say crawl in German?

to crawl = kriechen

Do butteflies crawl?

Yes. Butterflies do crawl.