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I will fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds' worth of distance run

I will treat triumph and disaster the same

and respect my competitors

without whom there would be no sport.

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Q: What pledge should be taken for sports day for primary school children?
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Children under the age of 12 should be children,when they are in high school then they should do homework but for now i think life is hard enough for us!!

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It is hoped that patriotism will be inculcated by the daily repetition of the pledge of allegiance, but I personally have my doubts.

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I say Pledge of allegiance first

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School is neither compulsory or free for most students, however from 2010 two grades of primary school became free but only half the children attend formal education. Working on the land is a priority. Primary education starts at the age of seven and should last for seven years

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Yes. Children should feel safe in school. Children who do not feel safe in school have difficulty learning.

Should the Pledge of Allegiance be Changed?

what's wrong with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America? Most of us have said it since we were young children, with pride and gratefulness. Well, it is really a matter of opinion. I personally beleive that it should, since the pledge distinctly says " nation, under god..." and there are many Americans in the public school system that are either Atheists, Agnostics, or any other religion that does not worship god. For that matter, it souldn't say "In god we trust" on the dollar bill, but that's a completely different debate.