St. Petersburg was renamed Petrograd, then renamed Leningrad, then renamed St. Petersburg once again.
Answer Siege of Petersburg Siege of Richmond
St. Petersburg is nicknamed "Russia's Window to the West" because Peter the Great strove to make it like every other great European city rather than the Eastern heritage of Moscow. It can be confusing, though, since St. Petersburg has also been called Petrograd and Leningrad.
St Petersburg was founded because it acted as a monument to the might of Imperial Russia.
There are more than 1,100 cities in Russia.
Sleeping Beauty was first performed in 1890, in St. Petersburg, Russia By, none other then Piotr Tchaikovsky him self.
Well, technically Russia only has one capital city, which is Moscow. St. Petersburg was the capital between Peter the Great's rule until the end of czarist Russia. The capital was moved to Moscow during the October Revolution. The reason they moved is because Moscow is the only other LARGE city which is closer to all the other Soviet states. Before Peter the Great built St. Petersburg, Moscow was the capital.
The February Revolution in Russia in 1917 broke out spontaneously in Petrograd, Russia as a city wide protest demonstration and general strike. Things then spread to other cities as well and calmed down only when news of the Tsar's abdication was announced. Petrograd had been St. Petersburg, then Petrograd, then Leningrad and is now St. Petersburg again.
Supposedly, there are three. The most significant one is St. Petersburg in Russia. Other Petersburgs are found in Virginia, Florida and Alaska (US).
In Greece she had no other names, but the Romans called her Venus.
The Salt Pier in Saint Petersburg, Russia, is located on Vasilievsky Island along the Neva River. It was historically used for unloading salt and other goods from ships. Today, it is a popular spot for tourists to enjoy views of the city and river.
Russia and the Soviet union are the same thing. So is Soviet Russia and the U.S.S.R. As well the Soviet Union(U.S.S.R) was just Russia and its satellite countries put together under communist rule in Russia.
Russia has access to the Baltic Sea through the Gulf of Finland from St Petersburg Also from the Russian Enclave of Kaliningrad directly to the Baltic Sea