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Q: What most likely happens in the cells of people running in the Boston marathon?
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What is Boston famous for?

Boston creme pies yum ! Or More likely Boston baked beans

Where can one find more information about the LA marathon?

The best place to find information about the LA marathon would be the official LA marathon website. One can find all the information about this subject that one is ever likely to need from this website.

How would running on a warm day most likely affect urine production?

Running on a warm day would most like decrease a person's urine production. One reason for this would be due to increased sweating, which would reduce the amount of water in someone's body.

Would a marathon race more likely be 10 kilometers or 10meters?

It would more likely be kilometers. One kilometer is 0.621 mile.

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Which person would have been most likely to refer to the events of the Boston massacre?

What happens when a car stops running all of a sudden and it starts right back and then it turns off again at a stop light?

most likely a vaccume leak

What happens when oil and water is mixed together?

It depends. In the ocean, you get tar balls. In a car engine, you have a blown head gasket and a non-running engine, most likely.

What was the verdict on the boston marathon bombing trial?

On April 30, 2015, The Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty on 30 counts, including causing the deaths of Krystle Campbell, Martin Richard, Lingzi Lu and Sean Collier; using weapons of mass destruction; bombing a place of public use; conspiracy; and aiding and abetting. On May 15, 2015, a federal jury sentenced him to death.

What happens when the processor goes out on a hp laptop?

If your processor goes out on any computer, it will most likely stop running. If this has happened to you, i highly recommend you replace it. Otherwise, you will not have a computer to work on.

Who is the oldest person to win a marathon?

As of spring, 2009, the oldest man to complete a marathon is Dimitrion Yordanidis, aged 98, in Athens in 1976. He finished in seven hours 33 minutes. Alas, older women do not fare as well as their male counterparts. The oldest woman is Jenny Wood-Allen, aged 90, in London in 2002. She finished in 11 hours and 34 minutes. ----------- On October 16, 2011, Fauja Singh (claimed, and seems likely to be true, age 100) became the first centenarian to finish a marathon when he finished the Toronto Marathon in over eight hours. His record will not be recognized by Guiness because he cannot produce a birth certificate (India did not keep birth records back then).

Why are the Boston Celtics called the Celtics?

It is likely that they were named the Celtics because of Boston's large Irish-American population.

When air is running vehicle smells like urine?

Most likely a cat settled over the hood vents and peed into the air con. Happens a lot when it's cold outside.