Qingdao, Shandong Province
Yes, Perth, Australia is often considered one of the windiest cities in the world due to its location on the coast and exposure to strong ocean winds. However, it is not necessarily ranked as the second windiest city globally.
dude, no cities
Chicago doesn't even make the top ten windiest city list. Number one is Amarillo, Texas (Avg. wind speed: 13.6 mph).
No, Palm Springs is not the second windiest city on Earth. It is known for its hot desert climate but not for being particularly windy. Cities like Wellington in New Zealand and Rio Gallegos in Argentina are known for being much windier.
Chicago is actually not even on the list of the top 10 windiest cities in America. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration the windiest city in the US isBlue Hill Massachusettsfollowed byDodge City KansasandAmarillo Texashowever the National Climatic Data Center claims the Dodge City KS is in fact the windiest city.so your gonna find different yet similar answers